Parental Involvement
The Altar Valley School District, in cooperation with parents and community, expects all students to achieve academic and personal excellence in a challenging, relevant, and supportive learning environment. When families are involved in their children’s learning both at home and at school, children do better in school. As a district, we welcome families to be active participants in the education of their children in the following ways:
Establish home environments to support children as students:
- Hold high expectations for your child’s success.
- Provide healthy meals and snacks for your children.
- Establish a daily routine, including time for homework and academic support.
- Make sure your child gets adequate rest.
- Keep your child home to recuperate during times of illness.
- Be aware of classroom procedures, rules, and schedules.
- Make sure your child is at school every day on time.
Communicating about school programs and children’s progress:
- Conferences will take place with the child’s teacher at least twice a year.
- Report cards and AzM2 results will be sent home.
- Monthly newsletters
- School-wide phone messaging system will leave weekly messages.
- Frequent access to staff
- Calls/letters/emails home
- Translators available as needed
- Attend Altar Valley School Board meetings
Parents help and support at school. Parents volunteering in the school make a difference.
Opportunities include:
- Helping in classrooms
- Making copies
- Clerical tasks
- Chaperoning
- Career Day
- Special events
Contact your child’s teacher for more information.
Learning at Home
Help students with homework and other education related decisions:
- Participate in family involvement nights .
- Read with and to your children daily.
- Take family field trips to museums and other points of interest.
- Visit the library.
- Get a library card for your child.
- Use family errands as learning tools such as budgeting, making change, shopping for repairs, using measurements, estimating, telling time, reading maps, following directions, etc.
- Give children responsibilities in the family such as daily chores.
Decision Making
Inclusion of parents in school decisions and leadership:
- School site council
- Subcommittees of site councils
- PTA (Parent/Teacher Association)
Collaborating with the Community
Integrating resources from the community to strengthen school programs and student learning:
- Altar Valley Western Artisans
- Friends of Robles Ranch
- Pima County Summer Youth Program
- St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
- Three Points Fire Department
- Trico Electric Cooperative
- UCHC Wellness Center (United Community Health Centers)
Title I Program
Information about our Title I program:
We encourage you to attend a Title I meeting each year to learn about our Title I program. There will be several dates offered, so be sure to watch for more information in the newsletter. You may request additional meetings.
We encourage you to participate in decision-making and policy development activities as well as improving the parent involvement plan and the compact for learning. As a school, we will provide you with information about programs, curriculum, assessments, and expectations for your child’s achievement.
We will offer information to all parents equally in a form/language they can understand. As a member of the site council, you would be involved in the development and evaluation of the school wide plan. If you have concerns about the plan, we invite you to share those concerns with the site council.
Compact for Learning
The Altar Valley School District, in cooperation with parents and community, expects all students to achieve academic and personal excellence in a challenging, relevant, and supportive learning environment. When families are involved in their children’s learning both at home and at school, children do better in school. As a district, we welcome families to be active participants in the education of their children.
Together we are partners in your child’s education as we follow this compact.