Meet Our Governing Board
The Altar Valley Governing Board consists of five elected community members who volunteer their time and talents to help assure that our district provides rigorous and relevant educational opportunities to our students.
As representatives of the people who own and support the schools, the governing board accepts the responsibility to identify community attitudes and opinions as well as district needs and to require short- and long-range strategies that are responsive within the budgetary limitations of the district.
We invite you to review our policies and agenda.
For assistance in reaching a governing board member, please email Dr. David Dumon or call 520-822-1484.
Board Meeting Schedule
We typically conduct our governing board meetings every second Wednesday of the month in the professional development room at the middle school, beginning at 6:00 p.m. All regular and special study sessions are open to the public. Please check BoardDocs or call the district office at 520-822-1484, ext. 103 to learn about special and study session meeting dates and times.
Governing board meeting notices and agendas are posted at least 24 hours prior to any meeting on BoardDocs, at the district office, Robles Elementary, and Altar Valley Middle School.
If a community member wishes to be placed on the agenda, he/she needs to submit a written request to the superintendent no later than seven days before the scheduled meeting. All monthly and special meeting agendas will be officially posted at each school site and the district office twenty four (24) hours preceding the scheduled time.
Code of Conduct
The Altar Valley Governing Board supports the Altar Valley School District’s employee code of conduct. Under this policy, school district employees will adhere to a clearly defined set of employee expected behaviors; where respect, fairness, integrity, and honesty are molded by all employees. The purpose of the district employee code of conduct is to ensure that each staff member is aware of his or her responsibility for supporting the mission, vision, beliefs, and goals of the Altar Valley School District as follows:
At Altar Valley School District we want students to succeed and we vow to do our best to make sure that happens by challenging every student to achieve excellence!
Vision – Altar Valley builds relationships with students, staff, and community ensuring growth and success.
Mission – Altar Valley provides a safe environment where all flourish academically, socially, and emotionally.
We Value:
- Equitable opportunities for all
- Academic growth
- High expectations
- Community collaboration
- Well-rounded lifelong learners
Build, Grow, Flourish, Succeed at AVSD
We make decisions in the best interest of kids.
Please view the employee and volunteer code of conduct and the governing board norms.
Meet Our Board Members
For assistance in reaching a governing board member, please email Dr. David Dumon or call 520-822-1484.