Health Services
Good health is an essential part of effective schools and basic to the learning process. Our health professionals enhance not just your child’s learning but his or her potential to live a healthy and productive life as an adult.
Immunization Information
We will notify parents of continuing students by mail if your child needs additional immunizations before the new school year. Arizona requires students to complete all required immunizations before school starts. Students who cannot provide proof of required immunizations will not be allowed to attend school or ride the bus on the first day. Immunization updates can be turned into the schools at the same times and places as the registration packets.
- Medication must be in their original, properly labeled containers. Prescription medication must have the pharmacy label, as this serves as the doctor’s order.
- A signed consent form must accompany medication from the parent giving specific directions for use. Information must include the name of medication, amount to be given, time to be given, duration of request (dates) and reason for request.